OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Buffalo WHR-G54S 2x range 3x speed

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Bought a Buffalo WHR-G54S recently and the Buffalo claims it is able to do 2x range and 3x speed ( 125 Mbps ? ). What I need to find out from you folks if I load OpenWRT into the box, will I still get the so-called 2x range and 3x speed ? Or I would then downgrade things to 1xrange and 1x speed ? :-)

What does 3x speed really means ? Won't it mean breaking of the G standard and becoming proprietary ?

Hope someone could enlighten me on this.


I think their claim is that by putting an amplifier on the transmitter it will maintain stronger connections and achieve higher speeds than the WHR-G54S.    The 125 Mbps is referring to the proprietary Broadcom  speedbooster.    You can expect at most 30 Mb/s TCP throughput on broadcom speed booster connection. 

OpenWRT will not slow your router down.

The discussion might have continued from here.