OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Kamikaze 7.09 on Asus WL-500Gp

The content of this topic has been archived on 22 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

7.09 (brcm47xx-2.6) is stable on WL-500Gp with atheros WIFI card?
I'm using pre 7.09 (brcm-2.4) and is very stable, no problem, but 7.07 (brcm47xx-2.6) was totally unstable, many segfaults.
It is safe to upgrade to 7.09 (brcm47xx-2.6)?

(Last edited by LaySoft on 2 Oct 2007, 18:52)

when did you try 7.09 because every time I tried it I had segfaults everywhere

The discussion might have continued from here.