OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: wds with wpa => no more ideas

The content of this topic has been archived on 12 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi !

I After an unsuccessfuil test with 7.07 i loaded today 7.09 but i'm asfar i waswith 7.07
I can get wds with wpa start towork with 2 wrt 3.1 devices..
I read/searched  forum thousand of times and changed scripts like described in some posts.  But wds still works w/o encryption.
So what can i do ?

btw: does anybody know how to enable stp in bridge via  /etc/config/network ?

Ciao Gerd

Hm i wrote that i searched and i also read this post.
I tried but w/o success

Ciao Gerd

Well I have a WDS that works very well since that change, didn't work at all before the change. Just make sure youd have two seperate ifaces, one for AP and the other with WDS.

Hm.. without the bridge ?

Ciao Gerd

The discussion might have continued from here.