OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: iwlib (required by xsupplicant) and kamikaze 7.09

The content of this topic has been archived on 25 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi folks!

I've got a working setup with WhiteRussian 0.9 on a WRT45G v3 and i'd like to upgrade to Kamikaze (mainly to get stability fixes and software upgrades).
Upgrade to Kamikaze 7.09 went fine, using the broadcom 2.4 image.

Now i'm trying to set it up like before. I need it to be in client mode, authenticated with 802.1X to an AP, using dynamic WEP keys, in routing mode.
Xsupplicant used to work fine with White Russian, but now it says a lib is missing : .

I double checked the repositories and couldn't find the iwlib package, so i tried to use the from WhiteRussian, without luck (Xsupplicant said something like "Cannot set keys :Ressource temporarily unavailable", not surprising because of wrong version number).

Is there another package containing this lib? I thought it could come from wireless-tools, but it doesn't.
Has anyone managed to get Xsupplicant running on Kamikaze 7.09? If yes, could you tell me a little bit about how you did it?

Another thing I've been trying to do recently : is it possible to use xsupplicant on a bridged interface? (I mean, on an interface enslaved to a linux bridge, i'm not referring to wl0_mode=wet in any way and understood why this mode can't work)
I think it may be possible to make the linksys act as a pseudo bridge by doing MAC masquerading with ebtables. Has anyone tried that?

Thanks in advance (and thanx for the work smile )

Did anyone notice this bug? Have i missed something?

Yeah I noticed it too.
I used the iwlib_28 package from whiterussian download dir on
Wget package, and then installed it with ipkg. Then I renamed the to 29 (yes dirty)
but that made xsupplicant work! Or at least executing.
Now I'm trying to connect to my school network so not sure how reliable it is, but it's not giving me any errors.

However, it should just be in the package list, and be a dependency of the xsupplicant.

The discussion might have continued from here.