OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: OpenWRT success storys on Linksys WAP54G/2Mb?

The content of this topic has been archived on 25 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


anyone here with a running openwrt (non-experimental) on a 2Mb WAP54G. The device has only 8 Mb RAM - I know there are others because my own box has 4Mb/16Mb. Any openwrt customizations needed or does it run out of the box (I've noticed the some changes in openwrt/kernel/diag.c obviously for a working reset switch. Switch working?)

TIA, Sven-Ola

Check where your WAP's reset button is located. I've found the ones with the reset button next to the ethernet port to be complete and utter buggers to work with since their boot_wait doesn't work at all.

Unfortunately I've never managed to get one of these going with openwrt.

I have one victim, who has tried a prerelease of the freifunk firmware on his 2Mb WAP. Everything is working well so far, but firstboot seems to run with no effect - the device obviously stays in failsafe.

Unfortunately that bloke is no techie, so I'am looking for a more versatile victim right now. Here are some debug outputs:

(Made with Sveasoft/Freya before flashing FFF)
# cat /proc/mtd
dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 00040000 00010000 "pmon"
mtd1: 001b0000 00010000 "linux"
mtd2: 0011473c 00010000 "rootfs"
mtd3: 00010000 00010000 "nvram"

(Unsuccessful firstboot session)
@Linksys WAP54G:/# set
PS1='u@h:w$ '
PS2='> '
PS4='+ '

@Linksys WAP54G:/# umount /jffs/
@Linksys WAP54G:/# firstboot
Creating jffs2 partition... done
creating directories... done
setting up symlinks... done
setting up dropbear (takes a while)...Connection closed by foreign host.
Eliza:~ karsten$

(Note that Freifunk Firmware set boot_wait within /etc/preinit and also tries to init dropbear as part of the process. To overcome the 8MB Ram Limit, I do not load the wl.o driver in Failsafe right now)

For this reason, I'am asking for some background info on this topic.

TIA, Sven-Ola

The discussion might have continued from here.