OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Trying to Boot a usr9108 kernel via RedBoot

The content of this topic has been archived on 13 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

This is a request for assistance that is not really OpenWRT related.

I have an Inventel Livebox and am trying to put on a kernel from another BCM6348 Router (usr9108) source.
When I tftp the kernel via RedBoot and then exec it, it does not boot.

The OpenWRT 2.6.22 kernel does boot. I noticed from some digging that some changes needed to be done to the OpenWRT 2.6 kernel to get it to exec via RedBoot. Can anyone tell me what they are so I can try them on the kernel.

If this isn't possible, what's the chances of closed source drivers working on an OpenWRT 2.6.22 kernel




I'm newbies, but it would be great if someone can explain that smile


The discussion might have continued from here.