OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: SMTP server

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


how can I install or setup a smtp server on my OpenWrt (daemon should wait on port 25....)!?

I want that all clients from intranet can use this server to send mails. Moreover, every client should be able to authenticate itself. Is this possible?

Is it also possible not to relay the mails to another smtp server!? Is it possible to run my own smtp server?
a loto f greetings from Austria.

Works to send mails and not relay it to other smtp servers but your provider should allow it.
Some spamfilters will also block mails comming from this if the router doesn't has the ip to which the domain is registered.

Is XMail from that tutorial works with Kamikaze 7.09?
I had correctly configured start script and when i run process called XMail...PID is printed but no process with that id...

When I set all enviroment manually and I run it i have in log: Mail root path not found

But when I run Xmail my self like that:
./XMail --debug -Md -Ms /mnt/mmc/MailRoot/
..I have...Segmentation fault


(Last edited by Szczesny on 7 Mar 2008, 20:24)

The discussion might have continued from here.