OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: IPv6-enabled irssi for WhiteRussian

The content of this topic has been archived on 27 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi all,

After I could not find an irssi package that has been built with IPv6 enabled, I had to do my own.
I used the Makefile of scachi's ssl-enabled irssi, but reverted the configure changes to the settings used for the irssi of Kamikaze, except for the --enable-ipv6.
Therefore, this one does not have SSL and Perl support.

So if anybody wants to give it a try, I set up a single-package-repository here: (add to ipkg.conf or append /Packages to get the list)

Note: the package name is irssi-v6 to avoid confusions with the irssi from backports, but the binary is called the same. So they will overwrite each other if both are installed.

Greetings . . . Martin

(Last edited by MMx on 10 Oct 2007, 16:06)

Nice one, does it also work in kamikaze?
Now if only someone could build a working psybnc (or other bnc-software) with IPv6 support... .

KanjiMonster wrote:

Nice one, does it also work in kamikaze?

I don't know. I neither have a Kamikaze running nor do I plan to upgrade my router to it now that everything I need works fine.
Either just give it a try (segfault is probably the worst thing that could happen) or wait for someone to report.

Greetings . . . Martin

Hmm... finally got around to try it in kamikaze 7.07, and it won't.
After ipkg complaining that it can't find "glib1" and installing it from 0.9-backports (I know, not the best source), it succeeded installing. But when i try to start it, it just outputs "Aborted" and that's it.

The discussion might have continued from here.