OpenWRT is a fantastic OS. It does so much, in so little space, is so expandable, works on so many platforms. I've been working here at Harvard for the past couple of months getting it ready for our mesh sensor network project. They want to migrate away from Pyramid Linux. But the problem with doing this push is that Pyramid and FreeBSD (I am having to compete with the BSD option) both have native compilation environments, whereas with OpenWRT people have to use the SDK and cross compile. They're giving me lots of flack about it.
And my own needs are also hampered by lack of GCC - I've had some trouble porting Ganglia and it would be a lot easier if I could just built it natively.
While I could take the time to try and write my own GCC packages, I started to do so and found out it was more difficult for me than it should be. Perhaps someone more talented could port it. But I'd like to have it as one of the standard OpenWRT packages.
Then I'd install OpenWRT on this Pentium 4 I have...whee!