because i found no simple php/pearl-free webinterface for openwrt, i decided to create my own.
now the work is done and i thought maybe, some others like it to.
-You can read ifconfig, logread, routes ... in it and you can forward ports temporary (till the next boot).
If i want a forwards ports not temporary i am still using the config files. I want to know what status the router have, when it is rebooted so others are only allowed to forward the ports temporary.
-it is not writing in the flash-memory.
-There is a password authentification (htpasswd). i set it to admin:admin
there is no other security, because my firewall only allow connections to the webinterface from my local network.
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
If there are any wrong words (or some german ), please let me know.
I just made the english version in a few minutes, I use it in german.
You can improve it, add other modules if you want, but keep it clean and keep it orange.
cheers christoph
Oh, the screenshots are in german, the RAR-Archive is not
and please be mild with your comments, it's the first i've ever done in cgi
itwas a little bug inside, now its gone (if you allready downloaded it please replace the /www/cgi-bin/forwarding.cgi file)
I use shell scripts as well as haserl scripts.
so please install haserl.
I use thttpd don't know it runs under mini-httpd
(Last edited by VespaTS on 19 Apr 2005, 18:45)