OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Advise needed for using Kamikaze on Asus WL-500gP

The content of this topic has been archived on 1 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I'm trying to get Kamikaze stable on an Asus WL-500gP. I get segfaults and some other problems with Kamikaze 7.07. I use a number of scripts and some small utility programs for a certain application. But this appears not to be stable. When looking in the trac bug reports, I stumbled upon this issue and some others that indicate that there are severe problems with this platform and Kamikaze.

So now my question is what to do for a unit that should have production quality OS _now_.

1) My guess is that I will be safe with 7.07 and the BRCM 2.4 kernel. Is that correct?
2) Is Kamikaze 7.09 OK with 2.4 kernel?
3) Same for 2.6 kernel?
4) Is reverting to 7.06 with 2.6 kernel a better idea?

My assumption is that for now, I should revert to 2.4 on 7.07 and upgrade to 2.6 with 7.xx or some revision from trunk later on. Is that correct?

Many thanks in advance,


I upgraded my WL500gP from Kamikaze 7.07 to 7.09 and it is more stable, but I still have a problem that about half the time when it boots up it doesn't detect my USB memory stick. I use the 500gP as a web server with my web site loaded on the USB stick so it's not that great at recovering from a power outage or spike.

If you really want a stable production OS, then White Russian might your best choice.


(Last edited by robrob on 20 Oct 2007, 22:53)

I kept my same source tree (being 7.07 with some additional packages from the archive) and selected the 2.4 kernel. That works fine for now. Hope that the ebtables stuff was also fine in 2.4.xx as I need that.
My guess is that some programs still die with 7.09 and a 2.6 kernel. So the reason why your USB stick isn't reliably detected can be caused by that.

basmevissen wrote:


I'm trying to get Kamikaze stable on an Asus WL-500gP. I get segfaults and some other problems with Kamikaze 7.07. I use a number of scripts and some small utility programs for a certain application. But this appears not to be stable. When looking in the trac bug reports, I stumbled upon this issue and some others that indicate that there are severe problems with this platform and Kamikaze.

So now my question is what to do for a unit that should have production quality OS _now_.

1) My guess is that I will be safe with 7.07 and the BRCM 2.4 kernel. Is that correct?
2) Is Kamikaze 7.09 OK with 2.4 kernel?
3) Same for 2.6 kernel?
4) Is reverting to 7.06 with 2.6 kernel a better idea?

My assumption is that for now, I should revert to 2.4 on 7.07 and upgrade to 2.6 with 7.xx or some revision from trunk later on. Is that correct?

Many thanks in advance,


2.4 is safe and you can use the broadcom drivers.  7.06 was the last stable 2.6 version on the bcrm boards.

Ticket 2035 outlines the problems, which seem to have been fixed with the current trunk, as long as you don't use swap. (these are currently been looked at).

I am in the process of building a production box, with trunk (9323) and I haven't had any problems. note I have replaced the broadcom wireless card with a atheros card.

I boot from usb hd (used to be usb stick), with no problems.

My reason for using 2.6 over 2.4 is I want some of the extra stuff in iptables for 2.6

If you want to play it say got with 2.4, haven't heard of any problem with that

(Happy Wl500gP user)

The discussion might have continued from here.