OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: TinyGT for dg834gt

The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

After a bit of sweat and on my second router <g> I've finally got something I can work with.

It's a minimal distribution (as small as I could get it.. not easy when there are 1MB binary kernel modules to deal with).  Runs squashfs, busybox 1.0, ipkg and has a firstboot script to make working jffs2 partition a bit like openwrt.

It's nowhere near as polished as I'd like but the best I could come up with in 4 days...  I'm running it now and it works fine for me.

It's downloadable from

There's a toolchain there also so you can compile binaries for it.

(Note that this is for the GT not the G - they're different architectures.  I don't know what would happen if you flashed the wrong one but I can guess it wouldn't be nice).

Tony Hoyle wrote:

After a bit of sweat and on my second router <g> I've finally got something I can work with.

It's a minimal distribution (as small as I could get it.. not easy when there are 1MB binary kernel modules to deal with).  Runs squashfs, busybox 1.0, ipkg and has a firstboot script to make working jffs2 partition a bit like openwrt.

It's nowhere near as polished as I'd like but the best I could come up with in 4 days...  I'm running it now and it works fine for me.

It's downloadable from

There's a toolchain there also so you can compile binaries for it.

(Note that this is for the GT not the G - they're different architectures.  I don't know what would happen if you flashed the wrong one but I can guess it wouldn't be nice).

Do you still have a toolchain available on your site? It seems that several links on are broken.

That link had an obvious typo in it.  All the others seem to work.

This is great work. Unfortunately the file still comes up with a http forbidden error.

Apache bug apparently after a little investigation.

If a file has '.sh' in the title it'll always try to execute it (apparently it's hardcoded).. I even tried gziping it and it did the same. 

Until I find a workaround the contents are:


#if [ "${ORIGINAL_IMAGE}" = "" ] || [ "${FILESYSTEM}" = "" ] || [ "${NEW_IMAGE}"
 = "" ] ; then
#       echo "Usage:" $0 "orignal_image fs_dir new_image"
#       exit


echo "Original Image:" ${ORIGINAL_IMAGE}
echo "Your Filesystem:" ${FILESYSTEM}
echo "New Image:" ${NEW_IMAGE}
echo "Press 'y' to continue"

read yn

if [ "$yn" = "y" ]; then
        #sudo mkcramfs ${FILESYSTEM} fs-host.bin
        #cramfsswap fs-host.bin fs.bin
        #sudo tools/mkcramfs -g -r ${FILESYSTEM} fs.bin
        sudo mksquashfs ${FILESYSTEM} fs.bin -be -all-root -noappend
        #sudo mkfs.jffs2 -q -b -o fs.bin -d ${FILESYSTEM}
        tools/bcmImageBuilder --output bcm963xx_fs_kernel --chip 6348 --board "9
6348GW-10" --blocksize 64 --cfefile tools/cfe6348.bin --rootfsfile fs.bin  --ker
nelfile linux/vmlinux.lz
        #tools/bcmImageBuilder --output bcm963xx_fs_kernel --chip 6348 --board "
96348GW-10" --blocksize 64 --cfefile tools/cfe6348.bin --rootfsfile fs.bin  --ke
rnelfile tools/vmlinux.lz
        tools/makeImage ${NEW_IMAGE} ${ORIGINAL_IMAGE} bcm963xx_fs_kernel
        #rm -rf fs.bin bcm963xx_fs_kernel fs-host.bin
        rm -rf bcm963xx_fs_kernel fs-host.bin
        echo $4 "Created!"
        echo "EXIT!"

Whatever happened to this release?

Does any other third party firmwares for the DG834GT exist?

Actually I would be mainly interested in a howto for making a toolchain so I am able to compile binaries for the DG834GT...

As Tony doesnt have the toolchain files anymore, does anyone else have a copy of the toolchain lying around anywhere?
If so, could they post it online?

Thanks. Compiling a toolchain is a horrible job (as I've found). Unfortunately the DG834GT router has a different endianness from the it's predecessor, so the WT54Gv2 toolchain is not compatible.


I have a copy of what I think is the script used to build the toolchain files. Unfortunately I cannot get it to work as it keeps falling out for various errors. What I am currently trying out is the 'buildroot' toolchain available from This might be able to build a suitable toolchain for the DG834GT. I am trying it to see if it will build a toolchain suitable for an Inventel Livebox DV-4210 which has the same BCM6348 chip inside.
I also have a copy of the target_tinygt.tar.bz2 (the minimal distribution) if anyone wants a copy.


The discussion might have continued from here.