OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: USB cellphone serial cables

The content of this topic has been archived on 4 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Buy some cheap cables from a store that will easily accept returns. Connect them to your PC one at a time and lsusb each one. Also check dmesg to see if it's being detected as a serial adapter. (Make sure all the USB serial modules are loaded.) Finally, minicom the port, jumper RXD to TXD, and type text to make sure it echoes. Disconnect the jumper and make sure it no longer echoes to confirm. Keep the ones that work and return the ones that don't.

A proper RS232 adapter is pretty cheap as well and potentially more useful.

no stores around here have those cables, i have to ebay/online store them

The discussion might have continued from here.