OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: KernelPackage option

The content of this topic has been archived on 23 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi all,

I'm writing a package to include some vendor specific modules. These modules have a lot of compilation flag that I can select at compile-time. How can I write a Package Makefile to show the module name followed by some selectable option?

For example (mokeup)

 <*> kmod-mydriver............ My good driver
 [ ] Enable option A
 [ ] Enable option B

It's clear for me how write a standard package Makefile to show only the module selection... but I don't know how insert the options. Now I'm using some fake package entry as well as workaround... but I don't like it...

thanks a lot


I've been looking for this too! I rember having seen it in previous versions - but cant seem to locate them in trunk. So I poked around in older makefiles but, the syntax was very different from todays build stucture so I wasnt able to "convert" it to the new buildroot system..

Any idea?


The discussion might have continued from here.