OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: size of tmp in kamikaze

The content of this topic has been archived on 1 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I am using an Asus 500gp with 32 MB RAM.  OpenWrt is using 15 MB of that for /tmp.

How do I fix this?  I want to cut it down to about 1mb (that's all I need).

I've tried editing the preinit script but no joy.



have the same problem.
tmp is eating half of my ram, but I redirected nearly everything to my usb stick, so I only need less than 1mb or even use my usb stick in the first place.
has anyone an idea?

with best regards


You don't have ANY problem here!

tmpfs is a dynamical filesystem, which is configured for 15MB maximal size (done in preinit -> half of RAM)

As long as you don't put any file in /tmp the memory is not used and available for other parts of the system!

Best regards,

The discussion might have continued from here.