OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: No write permissions on samba share.

The content of this topic has been archived on 1 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have a samba server on the ASUS 500. I can succesfully mount against the samba server. I can't write anything into the "shared space"!

This is the log file that comes out when I try to create a simple file called y;

cat log.dreambox 
[2000/01/01 01:40:37, 0] smbd/nttrans.c:map_share_mode(443)
  map_share_mode: Incorrect value c0000000 for desired_access to file \movie\y

This is my smb.conf file:

log file = /hdd/log/log.%m
workgroup = TB-76
netbios name = Samba
encrypt passwords = yes
guest account = nobody
local master = yes

read only = no
browseable = no

path = /hdd
#path = /tmp
browseable = yes
#write list = db
writeable = yes
public = yes

Any ideas?

Are you using Windows or Linux?
Under Windows, it's no problem, for me, but when browse my shared directory under Ubuntu, i cannot change anything. I think, this is, because i'm not root! -> When i mount the smb-share as root, than it's possible to create/delete/edit/etc. files on the sambashare.
But this is only my theory, it works for me...

i take it the logfile is from the wrt?
and that the user nobody has permisions to /movie?

I'm mounting from another linux-box (dreambox with kernel 2.6.xx).
with the command:
mount -t cifs -o username=xx,password=yy // /hdd

the logfile is from the wrt and the mount path is "chmod" to 777!

I will try to mount from windows and see if that goes well. I have read somewhere
that it could be a bug in samba version 2.0.10("security rollup")...

I've tried this too now, same problem - no permission.

I've tried chmod 777 and even guest account = root on the samba server. I can list all the files, but not read them.

I'll get back to this thread if I get any closer to a, ehm, clue.. smile

The discussion might have continued from here.