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Topic: Newbie help - WRT54G v2.0 with SD

The content of this topic has been archived on 19 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I saw similar question has been asked before, but could not find the answer to my questions.

I got a WRT54G v2.0 and thought it'd be easy to install the SD mod, but they I stumbled upon this: … rdware/MMC

The part that confuses me was:
Important note for V2 hardware and some WRT54GS: It is worth double-checking the GPIO pin allocations on RP3. The picture above was not correct for my V2 WRT54G. The CLK and DO, which are GPIO3 and GPIO4, were swapped compared to the picture.

I looked at the picture and compared the ADMtek numbers. They were not the same, so I thought I'd better get your input before proceeding. Those are the questions I have.

1) Is there a way to tell if the GPIOs are swapped by the ADMtek numbers? (mine shows adm6996l, aa0416, hss408021.1sl)

2) What will happen if GPIO3 and GPIO4 are soldered swapped? Can this damage the router or the SD card?

3) If it will not damage the board or the SD card, is there a way to check if the pins are soldered good or bad? This would allow me to go back and do the correct soldering if the test shows they are swapped ...

Thanks for you help

Hy. I'm new to this to. I have a wrt54gl v1.1. I read that the gl and gs are the same. I just did the mmc hac and i have one big problem. i can read from the card but i can't write to it. I get a error message. So if you are write, that the gpio are swapet, then this is my problem and i can help you. Can you please tell me if you tried to load the mmc driver and what is your dmesg output? And no. you cannot damege your mmc card or your board?
And what are ADM numbers and how can i check them?
I used the same tutorial like you. And if you are write, this means that if you are solgering like in the pic(like i did) you wont be able to write on the card.BUT NO DAMAGE COMS TO YOUR MMC OR ROUTER.So can u please tel me hoc did you checked the the gpio are swaped.

(Last edited by baubau on 24 Oct 2007, 19:22)

ce fac baubau?
I have not done the soldering yet because I did not want to proceed with risk of burning something.

Since you say it's safe, I'll try it soon and let you know ... Do you have an idea how to test if the wires are swapped after I am done with the soldering?

as for the ADM numbers ...l those are the numbers on the ADMtek chip on wrt54g v2 motherboard. If you look at the picture that shows where to solder GPIO3 and 4, you will see what I am talking about ...


ok Thanks. One more thing
The is a gpio utiliti that you can use to check the gpio. there are tutorials somewere on openwrt forum. just search and you will find. this gpio utiliti will help you to find gpio. but i don't trust it because is old.can u please tel me where are you from? cause there where routers made for every continent diffrent.

The discussion might have continued from here.