I'm trying to drive a relay with a 3.3v GPIO. From what I've read, I could either use a solid state relay or use a NPN transistor and a 5v relay. I'm no expert at computer engineering, so I was wondering if someone could explain how I would connect a transistor, relay and resistor (if necessary). I'm also wondering what the exact specs on the parts I need would be. Thanks!
Topic: How can I use a 3.3v GPIO to drive a relay?
The content of this topic has been archived on 6 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
Connect the base of the transistor to the GPIO through a resistor (1k is a good starting value, 470R for more current). Connect the emitter to ground and the collector to the relay coil. Connect a diode in inverse parallel to the coil to absorb voltage spikes. Connect the other end of the coil to the power supply.
There are reed relays with 500 ohm coils. I have some, but they are quite
old so I've no idea where they came from. I have driven one of them
directly from 3.3v logic output in open-drain mode. You still need the
diode though.
Thanks for the info guys. I will try it out.
Have a look into opto-isolators. It will also protect your router from voltages in the circuit you are driving.
(Last edited by R0b on 31 Oct 2007, 14:03)
The discussion might have continued from here.