web gui for ctorrent - WGET BusyBox fix
Quick BusyBox WGET fix.
My old WhiteRussian-0.9 has only busybox wget version, and that one does not work with dctcs. Offending hardcoded parameter was :
Everyone who can not add new torrents trough Web-UI or can not start them and Detail shows 0Byte file and (null) as name , has the same problem. wget command from BusyBox is not working with dctcs. You need a real wget package, but if You can not compile/install it you can try this.
so quick dirty fix is a shell script to sed this out (--progress=bar:force) and pass the rest to a busybox wget.
Create new file "/usr/bin/wget_dctcs" with this content:
#echo "Passed Args: $@"
#Offending WGET param ="--progress=bar:force"
NEWCMD=$(echo $@ | sed -e 's%--progress=bar:force%%g')
#echo "New line is : wget $NEWCMD"
/usr/bin/wget $NEWCMD
and make it executable :
chmod +x /usr/bin/wget_dctcs
Then edit /etc/dctcs.conf and uncomment and replace standard /usr/bin/wget line like this :
Now wget in the Web-UI should work too.
Thanks for latest release and finaly that HTTP content-type fix, so pages are now rendered properly again.
(Last edited by marko73marko73 on 4 Feb 2013, 14:55)