OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: wrt54gl-client does not reconnect

The content of this topic has been archived on 20 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


i'm running kamikaze 7.09 on a wrt54gl v1.1. router is running in client mode (sta).

the problem is:
when the router looses the wlan-connection it does not reconnect again to the AP.
i tried
# ifup wan; wifi
but no change.
the current only working solution is the reboot the device. then a wlan-conn is established again.

what could be the reason for that? or how can i solve this issue?


I'm confronted with a similar problem: I'm running Kamikaze 7.09 on a WRT54GS with 2 wifi-ifaces (sta and ap), both are used with a bridge lan interface.

The problem is related to the client connection. Sometimes the connection to the ap is lost and OpenWRT doesn't autoreconnect. Calling /sbin/wifi brings the connection back up.
When the connection is lost "wl sta_info ..." still reports "state: AUTHENTICATED ASSOCIATED AUTHORIZED", but it isn't possible to ping the ap (or any pc connected to the ap).

I found the parameter statimeout of wlc that is not set by the script, but i'm not sure if setting this parameter will change anything at all.

Any idea how to solve the problem or how to get more information about the cause of the problem?

The discussion might have continued from here.