I have installed Kamikaze on my WL-700gE using the tutorial found at this URL:
I have it now booting from the hard drive and all my packages etc setup. However, when the router is powered up cold, the HDD does not seem to spin up in time, and the router defaults to the basic image installed in flash. To get it to boot from the HDD I have to telnet into the device and use the 'reboot' command.
I now want to install a new basic image on the flash that delays the bootup longer to allow the HDD to spin up, however, for some reason I can't TFTP the new image up because the router won't go into diag mode for some reason. Anyway, is it possible to write a new image to the flash using the mtd command? If so, for this hardware platform, what is the MTD command to do so?
Is it 'mtd -r write kamikaze.trx linux'?