I have Kamikaze running on my Fonera, and it is extremely unstable. It will randomly drop connections from clients, as well as randomly it decides that it won't let anyone authenticate against it.
# Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org
config interface loopback
option ifname lo
option proto static
option ipaddr
option netmask
config interface lan
option ifname eth0
option type bridge
option proto dhcp
option hostname Smash.network.lan
# option ipaddr
# option netmask
config wifi-device wifi0
option type atheros
option channel 3
config wifi-iface
option device wifi0
option network lan
option mode ap
option ssid Smash
option encryption psk2
option key "I wish you where here"
These are the packages I have installed:
ipkg list_installed
base-files-atheros-2.6 - 10-9078 -
bridge - 1.0.6-1 -
busybox - 1.4.2-2 -
dnsmasq - 2.39-1 -
dropbear - 0.50-2 -
hostapd-mini - 0.5.7-1 -
hotplug2 - 0.9+r102-2 -
iptables - 1.3.7-1 -
kernel - -
kmod-madwifi - -
libgcc - 4.1.2-10 -
libopenssl - 0.9.8e-1 -
mtd - 5 -
ntpclient - 2003_194-4 -
uclibc - 0.9.28-10 -
udevtrigger - 106-1 -
wireless-tools - 29-1 -
wpa-supplicant - 0.5.7-1 -
zlib - 1.2.3-4 -
It does not seem to be anything with signal strength, but rather WPA 2 itself. Even when authenticated sometimes the device will fail to forward packets on to the bridge, and thus onto the gateway which causes timeouts. Also when downloading huge files, the first 10 megs or so will happen very rapidly, thereafter it will deteriorate to about 5 KB/sec, and then after about 15 minutes the device stops sending packets alltogether.