OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Kamikaze 7.09 on Fonera

The content of this topic has been archived on 1 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have Kamikaze running on my Fonera, and it is extremely unstable. It will randomly drop connections from clients, as well as randomly it decides that it won't let anyone authenticate against it.


# Copyright (C) 2006

config interface loopback
    option ifname    lo
    option proto    static
    option ipaddr
    option netmask

config interface lan
    option ifname    eth0
    option type     bridge
    option proto    dhcp
    option hostname
#    option ipaddr
#    option netmask


config wifi-device  wifi0
    option type     atheros
    option channel  3

config wifi-iface
    option device    wifi0
    option network    lan
    option mode    ap
    option ssid    Smash
    option encryption psk2
    option key "I wish you where here"

These are the packages I have installed:

ipkg list_installed

base-files-atheros-2.6 - 10-9078 - 
bridge - 1.0.6-1 - 
busybox - 1.4.2-2 - 
dnsmasq - 2.39-1 - 
dropbear - 0.50-2 - 
hostapd-mini - 0.5.7-1 - 
hotplug2 - 0.9+r102-2 - 
iptables - 1.3.7-1 - 
kernel - - 
kmod-madwifi - - 
libgcc - 4.1.2-10 - 
libopenssl - 0.9.8e-1 - 
mtd - 5 - 
ntpclient - 2003_194-4 - 
uclibc - 0.9.28-10 - 
udevtrigger - 106-1 - 
wireless-tools - 29-1 - 
wpa-supplicant - 0.5.7-1 - 
zlib - 1.2.3-4 -

It does not seem to be anything with signal strength, but rather WPA 2 itself. Even when authenticated sometimes the device will fail to forward packets on to the bridge, and thus onto the gateway which causes timeouts. Also when downloading huge files, the first 10 megs or so will happen very rapidly, thereafter it will deteriorate to about 5 KB/sec, and then after about 15 minutes the device stops sending packets alltogether.

I'm experiencing similar behaviour, after a random time it fail to forward packets on to the bridge (WLAN -> WAN) which is "fixed" for example by opening a ssh session in the Fonera (weird?).
Other than that, it's working pretty good.

X-Istence, try adding the following to your /etc/config/wireless ("config wifi-device" section):

    option diversity    0
    option txantenna    1
    option rxantenna    1

I remember I put that for a reason after reading a bunch of threads, something about Fonera having something different, but now I don't remember what that is smile

(Last edited by wiciu on 3 Dec 2007, 09:55)

have you try to change the channel?

wiciu: The fon is modified, there is two antenna's on the device, so diversity should be on. On my un-modified Fon I indeed have those parameters for better reception, diversity tries to use the two antenna's that are "existent", except antenna 2 is not an external antenna, so diversity would possibly cause the packets to be sent over the internal antenna and won't be strong enough to reach a client. Hence turning it off is needed tongue

Trew: Yes, channel 3 was the last attempt before I switched that device back to 7.06 since that seems to be fully stable (as in, it won't randomly stop dropping packets). Channel 3 is not used by anyone else in the neighbourhood as checked with Kismet. The only channels used, and they are very weak signals are 11, 8, and 10.

I have been testing with a backup device, and I can get the problem to happen fastest when I connect to the device, and start downloading a large file. So this is not limited to just one device, it is happening on all of the Fons I own. For now I have switched my main devices back to 7.06. I am also building a trunk release, so hopefully I will be able to test that as well soon.

You should probably build trunk by yourself and give the latest trunk revision a try.

The discussion might have continued from here.