OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Problems upgrading from Latest WR to Kamikaze Buffalo WHR-HP-G54

The content of this topic has been archived on 17 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I'm trying to upgrade from WR 0.9 to Kamikaze 7.09, but when TFTP'ing Kamikaze to the router, after the DIAG light goes out, the router's "G" light goes off and just the power light is lit. As a result, I can't access the router at all or connect to the internet. I've also tried upgrading using the OpenWRT firmware upgrade page to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I'm about to buy a new router.

Kamikaze 7.09 runs fine on my WHR-HP-G54, though I compiled my own. You might try an older release just in case there's some incompatibility with 7.09. Are you sure you're using the right flavor, i.e. the trx file? Have you tried reinstalling WR? If you can get that running again, try updating to Kamikaze using the command line. It's a lot more straightforward than trying to TFTP the image to the router.

Yes, I did try an older release to no avail. I did not try the command line. I'll try that tomorrow and report back, thanks for the suggestion.

The discussion might have continued from here.