Hi all!
after having tried a lot of os's (sveasoft, dd-wrt and others) i want to setup a clean OpenWrt system on my WRT54GS and start from scratch. I'm afraid that after all the nvram may be "dirty" and may cause unpredictable results. "nvram show | wc -l" counts more than 900 lines ....
It's anyway a good idea to start from scratch - its a good opportunity to catch on all the correlations in OpenWrt.
After having read lots of faqs and forum-messsages i'm finally somewhat confused how to start.
First question: How to start from scratch. Is it enough to load OpenWrt and make a 'firstboot' ? Whats about "boot wait" in that case - has it to be set before a 'firstboot' or afterwards? Before rebooting or after rebooting? Is a telnet-capability a build-in in the OpenWrt-baseimage? I don't want to brick my box ....
Second question: i want to separate the WAN/LAN/WIFI-networks. WAN goes dsl, LAN will be the inhouse-network (192.168.22) and WIFI shall have a 10.64.40 segment. How can i set up such a configuration?
Third question: which nvram-variables have to be set AT LEAST?
All these postings and documentation spreaded over the internet -sometimes contradictory- was simply to much for me ...
Your help is very much appreciated!
(Last edited by emax on 28 Apr 2005, 10:38)