OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Wifi to WAN-port, how?

The content of this topic has been archived on 2 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have a Asus WL-500g premium. Running Kamikaze. 2.4 kernel.
Connecting via wifi on static IP that the asus-router is given by my d-link dhcp-router.
I'm having stability problems with my wifi and wish to use the wan-port instead. What do I change to activate the wan-port? I.e letting the wan-port beeing given the same IP from my d-link router as the wifi-port.


50 reads now...
Is it a stupid question or actually hard to answer? I'm a beginner of great proportions... smile

Bumping up again. 88 reads...

bump... no one?

Sorry, for me it's not clear what you want. Could you describe the scenario in detail?
Do you want a simple access point?

A-P, not sure what that means but I don't think that's what I want. The asus-router should get its IP från my dlink-router (that is an A-P). I does so now, but only via Wifi. If I connect a cabel from my D-link (L1 to L4) to the wan-port on my asus router and turn of wifi I can't connect to the asus router anymore.

(Last edited by jonasmj on 24 Dec 2007, 13:40)

Hmm, are you trying to make the same effect as if you plugged the cable in the lan side of the asus router?

I'm not sure of the procedure but I suggest you look for how to turn your wan port into a regular lan port and disabling the dhcp server (as the d-link is supposed to give out ip addresses)

The discussion might have continued from here.