OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: ROBIN OSS mesh network

The content of this topic has been archived on 16 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

ROBIN (ROuting Batman Inside) is an  Open Source mesh network project, developed on top of OpenWRT kamikaze, running on any Atheros AP51 routers such as Meraki Mini or La Fonera and using the BATMAN routing algorithm.

ROBIN is a zero-configuration appliance (plug & play solution): all you need isalmost one DSL upstream DHCP capable router offering Internet connectivity where you connect a node (acting as gateway node), others nodes (client repeaters) have only to be powered on. Within a couple of minutes the mesh-cloud is raised up and self mantained, every repeater node wirelessly spread the gateway DSL connection through its open and WPA-PSK Access Points.

Images can be obtained merging/adding SVN files with OpenWrt kamikaze trunk and using .config file available in SVN.
These images (kernel vmlinux.gz and rootfs jffs2-64k) are pretty flashable using a very simple gui tool for Microsoft Windows platform or in the cassical way.
At present day ROBIN is tested and evaluated by simple users, community wireless, commercial and non-profit organizations. ( has developed own ROBIN backend server for remote management of ROBIN mesh clouds (dashboard, update, upgrade, statistics and graphs, ...) also offering pre-flashed routers.

development site:

subversion (SVN) repository:

HowTo and latest pre-compiled images:

other pre-compiled images:

When I read your announcement it just gives me a feeling that your trying to "sell things a little to much". It seems you want to turn the B.A.T.M.A.N mesh concept into a product, which is fine - but, it would have been nice to read a 'company name' ( which was less of a copy of or, who both are associated with the project hosting the B.A.T.M.A.N development (

Maybe it would be an idea to think about a change in name, there are a lot of alternative names ?



I'm not the owner of but only the developer of robin.
What I did want to say (and not sell, all is free) is that as, Southern Telecom Media - China, Metrostat, and others has developed a free dasboard service. They works close to the main mantainer of Batman: togheter had a trip to Taipei at Accton Office and to Paris for Open Hardware conference... there is absolutely no problems.
However, I repeat, I'm only the 'robin guy'.Everyone can get robin, edit, modify and built a backend server on top of it as they want.
Hope I have been clear... my English is not so rich smile


Then please accept my appologies - I just got caught-up.

Really, no problem!


The discussion might have continued from here.