I've just buy a WRT54GS v1.1 and installed the latest experimental build avaible:
Linux OpenWrt 2.4.30 #1 Sat Apr 23 18:13:56 EDT 2005 mips unknown
I've installed the wl tool from here:
When I try to issue a scan command (wl scan), I have this message:
root@OpenWrt:/etc# wl scan
eth1: Invalid argument
scan Initiate an active scan across all channels.
Optional SSID argument specifies a particular SSID to scan.
With no SSID argument, a broadcast SSID scan is performed.
I've try the reseting to default command (mtd erase nvram) and after a boot in falsafe mode to erase the j2ffs partition (firstboot) but the problem is still here.
Any idea ?
Thanks you for your help.