apparently you selected app_meetme, ...
You are right. I deselected app_meetme and asterisk-1.4.18 got compiled/packaged. However, now another problem surfaced when trying to compile asterisk-addons-1.4.6 as shown below:
gzip -dc /opt/tmp/openwrt-svn-trunk/dl/asterisk-addons-1.4.6.tar.gz | /bin/tar -C /opt/tmp/openwrt-svn-trunk/build_dir/mips/asterisk-addons-1.4.6/.. -xf -
Applying ./patches/011-chan_mobile.patch using plaintext:
patching file build_tools/
patching file channels/chan_mobile.c
patching file configs/mobile.conf.sample
patching file
patching file doc/chan_mobile.txt
patching file Makefile
patching file
Applying ./patches/011-chan_mobile.patch.rej using plaintext:
missing header for context diff at line 1 of patch
can't find file to patch at input line 1
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
File to patch:
So far, I had only patched my feeds/packages/net/asterisk-1.4.x with this openwrt-packages-asterisk-1.4.18.patch file. I don't suppose the above error requires this openwrt-packages-asterisk-1.4.18-addons-1.4.6-zaptel- file.