I've successfully installed experimental OpenWRT on two WRT54Gs here.
Kudos to all the developers --- this thing rocks!
Now some bugs and proposed fixes:
I use PPPoE to connect to my ISP.
When pppd creates /tmp/resolv.conf, it does so with permissions 600,
and this is bad, because dnsmasq drops privileges to nobody and fails to read this file.
I put
touch /tmp/resolv.conf
chmod 644 /tmp/resolv.conf
in my /etc/init.d/S10boot script to fix this.
NTP client has to be started after PPPoE starts.
So I had to make PPPoE start earlier in the boot up:
mv S50pppoe S45pppoe
A rewritten version of S50ntpclient,
that uses the ntp_server NVRAM variables:
[ "$(nvram get ntp_enable)" = "1" ] || exit 0
NTP_SERVER=$(nvram get ntp_server)
/usr/sbin/ntpclient -s -h $NTP_SERVER
For some reason, I was unable to use passwd
to change my password; it complained
about not being able to update or something.
I had to copy an old /etc/passwd
to use ssh. Anybody seen this problem?