OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: upnp media server on nslu2 with openwrt?

The content of this topic has been archived on 22 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I've been trying to get any upnp media server to work on a nslu2 with openwrt ( #2 arm5teb ).  I've tried miniupnp but even though it showed in ps -aux as running, I couldn't see it from any client. Then I tried gmediaserver thinking it would be more robust, but the init.d script errors out with invalid address  or interface name 'br-lan'.  My ifconfig only shows eth0 and lo.  I'm guessing br-lan is more for routers, this is just the nslu2.

Any recommedations? thanks in advance. If I can't get miniupnp or gmediaserver I guess the next step would try something like twonky.

Sorry to reply to my post, but I wanted to add more info. I just tried mediatomb and ram out of space with one lib to go sad so that isn't working either.

The discussion might have continued from here.