hello, i see that you've got weechat on your repository at:
that you've got weechat...
how did you compile it...
i tried to cross-compile it manually with the help from a friend and the IRC but it didn't work because it required too much hacks...
then i download the build system doing :
$ svn checkout https://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/trunk kamikaze
but weechat is not included in the build system:
# ls
acx bridge-utils fonera-mp3-drv ifenslave keynote mtd pptp strongswan
acx-mac80211 broadcom-diag foxboard-utils ifxmips_adsl libertas ncurses qc-usb switch
admswconfig broadcom-mmc fuse iproute2 libjson-c nozomi qos-scripts udev
alsa broadcom-wl gdbserver ipsec-tools libnl nvram robocfg util-linux-ng
aodv-uu busybox gmp ipset libpcap nw802-2.4 rt2500 wireless-tools
ar7-atm comgt grub iptables libtool openssl rt2570 wlcompat
arptables dnsmasq gspcav1 isakmpd linux-atm openswan rt2x00 wpa_supplicant
b43 dropbear hostapd iw linux-uvc ov51x-jpeg rt61 yamonenv
base-files e2fsprogs hostap-driver ixp4xx-microcode mac80211 p54 shfs zd1211-driver
bcm43xx-mac80211 ebtables hostap-utils kernel madwifi pcmcia-cs spca5xx-le zd1211-firmware
br2684ctl fonera-mp3 hotplug2 kexec-tools Makefile ppp spca5xx-view zlib
i'd like to be able to cross-compile it?
how did you suceed at cross-compiling it?