OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Size matters :)

The content of this topic has been archived on 23 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Ok, i'm trying to get the size of my libs down a ton. I was wondering how hard it would be to implement a STRIP option in the config system that allows people to automaticly strip the created libs and possibly the elf bins? Would this help?


All the libraries that our buildroot generates are stripped automatically for the target filesystem... no need to add a config option.

Herm.. I guess I should have looked at it closer. When I hand striped some other Libs they taged as striped on the end.. when I viewed the tags on the openwrt it didn't show that same tag.

Any other thoughts on ways I can reduce sizes?

Remove stuff, or buy a device with a larger flash chip smile

Blah.. roll

would be nice to have a list of what is required in the config. So I know what I can and can't remove. Secondly, whould be nice to have list of what the size differences would be.. yea yeah.. do it your self =p

CoolAcid wrote:

yea yeah.. do it your self =p

You got it!

Geez... your too quick with that =p

Must create list of iptables and kernel mods for config system.. select only the ones you need.. mmmmm.......

Bloddy hell.. Just found more Libs and Bins from my custom ipkg that was made in the IOS... herm.. now how big? That dropped 500K off.. nice..

The discussion might have continued from here.