I'm ready to document everything how set it up (create a how-to or similar), I just need some help to get past the errors. I'm not used to the unix enviroment, so any help is welcomed.
Following was recieved when I tried to start msyslog;
root@OpenWrt:/# /usr/bin/syslogd
Error opening main library, [File not found] file [/usr/lib/alat/]
But I guess I should create a link to the libmysqlclient
This is most likely related to the step 7 in the instructions (the link you gave me) ;
"Set Envirionment
msyslog is intended to be very modular. As such the requisite libraries need to be locatable by the dynamic library loader. As this varies from platform to platform it is best to read the linker documentation. e.g. on Solaris Be sure and are in LD_LIBRARY_PATH "
I have the libmysqlclient installed and the related files are in : /usr/lib/
How do I link this?
Following was received when I tried to start sysklogd-sql;
root@OpenWrt:/# /usr/sbin/syslogd -d
Allocated parts table for 1024 file descriptors.
Called logerr, msg: network logging disabled (syslog/udp service unknown).
logmsg: err, flags 4, from OpenWrt, msg syslogd: network logging disabled (syslog/udp service unknown).
Called fprintlog, logging to CONSOLE /dev/console
Called logerr, msg: see syslogd(8) for details of whether and how to enable it.
logmsg: err, flags 4, from OpenWrt, msg syslogd: see syslogd(8) for details of whether and how to enable it.: No such fi
le or directory
Called fprintlog, logging to CONSOLE /dev/console
Debugging disabled, SIGUSR1 to turn on debugging.
On this one I don't have clue how to go forward.