OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: How to find out which bootloader is being used by the Kamikaze.

The content of this topic has been archived on 23 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

How to find out which bootloader is being used by the Kamikaze and how is flash partitioned?

normally you don´t replace the bootloader.

So normally the question isn´t what is use by kamikaze. it should be which bootloader is running on your device (cfe, redboot, ....) and which partionlayout and  binaryformat it can deal with.

Kamikaze itself is very flexible. you can build various different images, so you should be able to get one that your bootloader can load.

there are only a few devices where you have to replace the bootloader to be able the run linux on it. Afaik thats often the case for devices running vxworks.

To find out which bootloader is used by your device, you can look at the documentation (a good place is the device specific information in table of hardware) or you connect a serial console, so you can access the cli of the bootloader.

The discussion might have continued from here.