OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: can this be done TO Linksys WRT54GS

The content of this topic has been archived on 26 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

My Linksys WRT54GS v1.1 revive from brick and everything working fine except the wan port already broken cos no signal can pass through it and when pairing it with dsl modem,there is no light at the modem lan led.

right now i'm using crappy dlink router and i am hoping i can fix the WRT54GS v1.1 btw if there other way that can fix the wan port if the method above are impossible.Afterall i am really happy to bring back the WRT54GS to life after so long living at the garage 90%(can boot) fix 10%(no wan port) more to go

so i guess the wan port is broken sad

Wan port suddenly not light on or stop working try this method or the method below not working u can try Wodin Method at the second post.thumbs up

update:simply sanding the wan port and the light suddenly turn on....  Wrt54gs 100% fully recovered

(Last edited by powerty on 1 Feb 2008, 15:37)


SSH to the router and find out the following nvram settings:

nvram get vlan0ports
nvram get vlan1ports
nvram get wan_device
nvram get wan_ifname
nvram get lan_ifname
nvram get lan_ifnames

It will probably look something like this:

vlan0ports=3 2 1 0 5*
vlan1ports=4 5
lan_ifnames=vlan0 eth1 eth2

This means that port 0-5 except 4 are in vlan0 and ports 4 and 5 are in vlan1.
vlan1 is the "wan" and "lan" is a bridge consisting of vlan0 and the wifi (eth1.)
You can ignore eth2, since it doesn't exist.

The above is from a WRT54GL, but it should be similar on your router.  The port numbers might be switched around, though.

Port 5 is the internal connection to the CPU.  i.e. it is not a port on the back of the router.

So in the case of the router I got the values from, port 4 is the WAN port.  If you just remove one port (not port 5) from vlan0ports and add it to vlan1ports, that should solve your problem.


nvram set vlan0ports="2 1 0 5*"
nvram set vlan1ports="3 5"
nvram commit

That should make port 3 the WAN port.  You will have to test to see which port on the back is port 3, because the numbers on the back do not necessarily match with the numbers in nvram.

thanks for the solution Wodin btw i already solved my problem by just sanding the wan port and to my surprise the port (wan port) work again....:) smile...i guess it might be humidity,oil,etc to the port cos i left it for a year in the garage.

Anyway my wrt54gs already fix 100% yahooo smile

Ah, well, maybe my post will help somebody else.  Glad you got it working.

The discussion might have continued from here.