Hi, I've recently setup a v1.1 WRT54GS with Kamikaze (2.4 kernel). I'm running it as a bridge off of my existing LAN, with all 100bT ports in the same vlan and a DHCP-assigned ip addy for the WRT itself.
What I've come to notice is that after a period of time after a reboot my Wifi signal is no longer 'visible'. That period of time is anywhere from a couple to 10 days. By not being visible I mean that 2 PC's (rebooted, etc) using Ubuntu/XP cannot detect the SSID of my WRT. Normally (e.g. always after a reboot and for some time thereafter) they can.
FWIW I'm presently using the WRT more for the 100bT port expansion than wireless expansion, however I'd like to make the wireless 100% good so that in the future it's there for me.
My syslog shows nothing unusual (except occasionally matrixtunnel cannot establish a connection ... but https access works fine).
My other systems all look good.
Has anyone heard of this issue or does anyone have any good starting points for diagnostics?
I've just rebooted - when it happens next time which files/info are useful to provide for debugging?
TIA for any assistance!