OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Did I brick my AR525W?

The content of this topic has been archived on 18 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

(Tried posting on the X-Wrt forum, but got little response)

I am new to openwrt. Tried to search on the web, but found little related info. Here is what happened:

I grab the following image file here: … 5w-web.img
and update my Airlink101 ar525w router using web interface. After the route rebooted, my PC could not get any ip address. I configured static IP address of on the PC, and tried ping, no response. Seems none of the dhcp, tftp, http was working. I then power cycled the router, when it powered up, the wlan light never lighted up, the DMZ light stayed on for a minute also and went off. The power light and the LAN port light which my PC connected to remained on. Yet I could not in any way to connect to the router.

Did I miss something in the process? Is it bricked? How can I recover it?

Thanks for any help! I am desperate!

See if you can get into failsafe mode

Run netcat as specified in that page and see if you get the message at about the same time as the DMZ light comes on.  If you do you can probably get into failsafe mode.

By the way, if you changed the IP address of the router before flashing it, the failsafe IP address will most likely be the IP address you set it to, and not

Wodin wrote:

See if you can get into failsafe mode

Run netcat as specified in that page and see if you get the message at about the same time as the DMZ light comes on.  If you do you can probably get into failsafe mode.

By the way, if you changed the IP address of the router before flashing it, the failsafe IP address will most likely be the IP address you set it to, and not

Thanks for your suggestions, Wodin!

I tried to get into failsafe mode following the instructions. But no luck! The listener on the port never got any message from the router. Holding the reset didn't change anything either.

BTW, I didn't change the router's IP address.

Anything else I can try?


The discussion might have continued from here.