OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Help creating a configuration on Fonera

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


This is what I want to do:
One of my neighbours have a Fonera, running a FON firmware (so there are the two networks : the FON_XXX one, and is private network)

I have a fonera running OpenWRT KAmikaze 7.09, and I want it to connect to the FON_XXX signal, and then 2 solutions:
- repeat the signal (which is very low) for my computers (2 laptops)
- create my own wireless network

What I want is to have the internet access on my two laptops, but the signal is too low in order to use the computer well : there is one place in the room where the signal is good, and it's not very easy to be there wink But a fonera could easily be in that place.
So here comes my idea to repeat or create a new signal...

After a lot of tries, I can't succeed in having such a configuration.

Thx a lot to anyone who could help me !

ps: it's for an holiday house, here at home, I have my own fonera running a FON firmware.

Nobody ?

If anyone could at least tell me if it's possible ?
Because I'm not counting the hours trying ti create such a setup, and if it's impossible, I'll stop trying...

Thx .

Do you have other wireless clients connected to your private FON network? If you create your own wireless network on the second fonera, you will have a firewall in between.
I'd prefer to create my own wireless network on the second fonera, it's independent of the connection to the primary fonera, which would serve DHCP, ... in the other scenario.
If your signal is weak, you could attach a larger antenna to any of the foneras.

To create two wireless networks on the fonera you could use the following setup:


config wifi-device  wifi0
        option type     atheros
        option channel  4

#first wireless, will be ath0, is your second private subnet
config wifi-iface
        option device       wifi0
        option network      lan
        option mode         ap
        option ssid         "privatessid"
        option encryption   "psk"
        option key          "privatepassphrase"

#second wireless will be ath1, is you primary private FON subnet
config wifi-iface
        option device   wifi0
        option mode     sta
        option ssid     FON_private
        option encryption psk
        option key      "yourpassphrase"


config interface lan
        option type     bridge
        option ifname   eth0
        option proto    static
# must be different from subnet of primary fonera
        option ipaddr
        option netmask

config interface wan
        option ifname   ath1
        option proto    dhcp

Modify /etc/config/dhcp as well to suite your needs.

You will need wpa_supplicant and hostapd installed.

I hope this helps, this config is not an actual config of one of my routers, so it may contain minor errors.

The ethernet port on the seconds fonera is connected to the lan subnet, so you could connect additional devices directly or via a switch.

(Last edited by MMCM on 22 Feb 2008, 11:21)

Thx for your answer. I'll  try it as soon as possible.

The discussion might have continued from here.