OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: kismet_drone on wrt54g v2.2

The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Has anyone been successfull in installing kismet drone on a wrt54g v2.2?

When I start the drone I get :

Suid priv-dropping disabled.  This may not be secure.
No specific sources given to be enabled, all will be enabled.
Disabling channel hopping.
Source 0 (drone): Enabling monitor mode for wrt54g source interface eth1 channel 0...
Source 0 (drone): Opening wrt54g source interface eth1...
FATAL: pcap reported netlink type 1 (EN10MB) for eth1.  This probably means you're not in RFMON mode or your drivers are reporting a bad value.  Make sure you have the correct drivers and that entering monitor mode succeeded.

I'm failry new and can't seem to figure out to make it work.

wl scan & wl scanresults give me 3 ap's but i want to run kismet.
this is script which i use to startup kismet at boot

#! /bin/sh
echo "Setting radio for kismet_drone"
mkdir /var/log
/sbin/ifconfig eth1 up
/usr/sbin/wl ap 0
/usr/sbin/wl passive 1
/usr/sbin/wl promisc 1
/usr/sbin/wl monitor 1
echo "Running kismet_drone"
/usr/bin/kismet_drone >/dev/null 2>&1 &
sleep 3
echo "kismet_drone now running"

i've read somewhere
""Note there is now a new version of the WRT that the 3rd party firmwares have trouble with. The new version are the WRT54Gv.2.2 and the WRT54GSv1.1

They use a broadcom switch chip instead of the ADM6996, and if you flash it with firmware that does not have the new chip support built in, you will loose your switch ports and then will have to flash back via wireless."

But openWRT seems to run nice.

nvram network settings are untouched

Anyhelp is appriciated

You should change your source line in the config file. You have to use prism0 instead of eth1.

thank you
it now works

The discussion might have continued from here.