1) Does this work yet?
2) Can it be used as an Access point instead?
The content of this topic has been archived on 17 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
1) Does this work yet?
2) Can it be used as an Access point instead?
1) Does this work yet?
Yes it works on kernel 2.4
2) Can it be used as an Access point instead?
I dont really understand.
I want to be able to use the router as an access point not as a router. I am currently doing this with White Russian.
(Last edited by flowersrj on 20 Feb 2008, 14:43)
I want to be able to use the router as an access point not as a router. I am currently doing this with White Russian.
If I understand you already have a router with White Russian running on it and you want the 500gp to act just as an AP for your router. Well I quess it's possible but it will be a strange configuration:
Router (OpenWrt) ------ 500gp ( OpenWrt or original firmware ?)
If you need just an AP I would suggest to use a less expensive hardware. Fonera for example ?
If you really want the Asus 500gp, I would use it as a router AND as a AP together.
1) Does this work yet?
2) Can it be used as an Access point instead?
It has always worked and still works just fine. AFAIK the only problem with it is that if you want to use it as an AP using WPA (not sure about WEP), you'll need to either use the brcm-2.4 version of Kamikaze (i.e. using a 2.4 kernel), or change the wireless card in the box, or maybe try and use a more bleeding edge version of the b43 driver.
Thanks Monnier
The discussion might have continued from here.