OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Did I brick my router even more than it was?

The content of this topic has been archived on 1 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Ok, so my brother gives me his old WRT54G v1.1 that had a bad flash. Said I can keep it if I can get it to work. I uploaded "openwrt-wrt54g-jffs2.bin" through tftp in windows. I was able to telnet into the router once and I set the password. But now through a series of events I'm left with a flashing power light again and I am still able to ping the router by doing the 15/16 pin trick. (I get an increasing ping up to 999ms and then it starts back at 1ms)  Going to the router's address in my browser brings up the openwrt page that says:

No webpages currently available
-perhaps you need to install a package?

My DMZ light doesn't come on at all and I'm lost here. I don't really know how to use linux but this firmware was the only option. I was kind of hoping I could get an official firmware back on after getting this to work, but I think I may be in over my head. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Is it a brick or is there still hope?

Edit: I managed to somehow get the power light to stay lit and the WLAN light as well. However the DMZ light never comes on (isn't it supposed to with openwrt?) Also, I can now ping it without using the 15/16 trick and it pings <1ms all the time.

(Last edited by shadowchild on 9 May 2005, 19:23)

Your router seems to be ok am I wrong ? Did you try something like : telnet ?

Well lucky me. It works now. I would still like to put an official firmware release on it though, as openwrt is a little too advanced for me. Can anyone help with how to do that?

Edit: Yes my router does work. I think I have been at this project for too long. My brain is fried. =P
Also, DHCP does work. I am such a fool.

(Last edited by shadowchild on 9 May 2005, 19:40)

Then, if you can go in your router type the following commands :

nvram set boot_wait=on
nvram commit

Then, download an official Linksys firmware, for instance the WRT54GS_3.37.2_ETSI_code.bin

And from a Windows console, run :

cd /path/to/the/original/firmware/
tftp -i PUT WRT54GS_3.37.2_ETSI_code.bin

Should work wink

nvram set boot_wait=on
nvram commit

I don't understand where I would put this in.
The other part I can figure out, but should there be a prompt to set the nvram in my browser when I go to

I still only get the openwrt page with:

No webpages currently available
- perhaps you need to install a package?

Thanks for the tips though.

Sorry, I though I was a little bit clearer wink

So, open a window shell prompt :

Start > Execute > cmd

Then type in :


You should get a similar banner :

BusyBox v1.00 (2005.05.08-11:55+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

  _______                     ________        __
 |       |.-----.-----.-----.|  |  |  |.----.|  |_
 |   -   ||  _  |  -__|     ||  |  |  ||   _||   _|
 |_______||   __|_____|__|__||________||__|  |____|
          |__| W I R E L E S S   F R E E D O M


Then type in this other shell prompt :

nvram set boot_wait=on
nvram commit

Power off you router, start sending the official firmware as I  mentionned, using the tftp command :

tftp -i PUT WRT54GS_3.37.2_ETSI_code.bin

And it should be ok. I hope it's a little bit easier to understand ?

Bad news for me. Telnet doesn't work.

"Could not open connection to the host, on port 23. Connection failed."

I did get into it through Telnet once, but only that one time it worked. I set a password through there.

(Last edited by shadowchild on 9 May 2005, 20:00)

Ok, you set up a password, so now it would be ssh which is running.

Download putty here : … /putty.exe

in the window getting open, type for host address :
then it should give you a warning about your host fingerprint, say ok, type :

login: root
password: <your password>

And follow the previous commands wink

I must have screwed something up while trying to get this thing to work, because it wont connect through SSH either.
I get this from Putty:

"Network Error: Connection Refused"

I know you're probably getting sick of me already but I am so close to getting it to work properly.

No I'm not getting sick at all, but now I think it's really bricked wink

What about sending the firmware via TFTP ? does it work ? have you tried yet ?

Well it's not totally bricked. I'm connected wirelessly through it right now on my laptop. It has basic functionality and no security.

I tried to tftp multiple different firmwares over before I had it working at all. Some said successful but they didn't do anything. openwrt was the only one that did anything.

Edit: I just tried to tftp over a new firmware and it says "Error on server: Invalid password !!"

(Last edited by shadowchild on 9 May 2005, 20:36)

I used the Linksys auto update for the newest firmware and it went through and said successful. However nothing has changed at all.

Edit: Got the router working by installing Satori. Thanks for the help anyway man.

(Last edited by shadowchild on 10 May 2005, 18:39)

The discussion might have continued from here.