I flashed the firmware of my WRT54GS v. 1.1 with the newest snapshot from wbx (cause of HFSC, see http://openwrt.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1454).
Unfortunately I couldn't reach the router after flashing, also not in failsafe mode. Later on I found out that boot_wait was off, strange cause I had it on. Shortening the pins helped with this problem, now I was able to reach the router on
After this I set boot_wait on that I can at least flash other firmwares. Then I tried several firmwares, the latest experimental and the original linksys (to flash from linksys back to openwrt). The original linksys works but no openwrt one. It simply doesn't boot and only after shortening the pins I am able to get into the failsafe mode.
What can I do ?
Do I have to change some settings in failsafe mode to get it running in normal mode ? I erased the nvram to get the default values back but this didn't help, too.