I am considering to buy a used WRTSL54GS to use with WhiteRussian or Kamikaze.
my main intensions are:
- running tcpdump to capture inbound and outbound traffic for later analysis.
- running Asterisk server for max 2 simulatenous g729 calls.
- running rrdtool to drwa graphs of traffic captured.
- running a small webserver to publish those graphs.
Now, I wonder if all of these packages (tcpdump and pcap lib, asterisk, rrdtool, webserver) are available for WRTSL54GS.
Where can I check this ? And is it possible that I can run all of these at the same time on a unit with 32MB ?
I believe I will need some storage for Asterisk files, tcpdump captures and rrdtool created graphs.
Is it possible to supply this storage by the use of USB port and a USB flash mem ?
I also wonder if it's possible to use the WAN interface connected to an ADSL modem using PPPoE and ADSL modem in bridge mode.
I am a newbie ; sorry if I asked too much and if I repeated previously asked questions. I'd be glad if someone can help me answering these questions.
Thanks !
(Last edited by sorcerer on 27 Feb 2008, 23:42)