OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: PPPoE connection unstable

The content of this topic has been archived on 20 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have a 500gp and I'm using a PPPoE with a xDSL modem to connect to the Internet. The pppoe connection is quite unstable and disconnects often. My phone line is not very good (about 39db attenuation) so it wouldn't surprise me but the problem is that if I establish the connection with the same modem but usin directly my PC, the connection is very stable. I read some topics here about the MTU setting and I tried different values in openwrt. I don't know if this can be the reason for the hangups. I was using 1500 as default and the values supplied by my ISP 1488 or 1492 didn't really work.

Here is the pppoe log:

Feb 28 21:33:31 (none) daemon.notice pppd[15921]: Modem hangup
Feb 28 21:33:31 (none) daemon.notice pppd[15921]: Connection terminated.
Feb 28 21:33:25 (none) daemon.warn pppd[15921]: Couldn't increase MTU to 1500
Feb 28 21:33:25 (none) daemon.warn pppd[15921]: Couldn't increase MRU to 1500
Feb 28 21:33:25 (none) daemon.notice pppd[15921]: Serial link appears to be disconnected.
Feb 28 21:33:25 (none) pppd[15921]: Sent 1720 bytes, received 720 bytes.
Feb 28 21:33:25 (none) pppd[15921]: No response to 5 echo-requests
Feb 28 21:33:25 (none) pppd[15921]: Connect time 0.9 minutes.
Feb 28 21:33:24 (none) daemon.err pppd[13428]: Interface eth0.1 has MTU of 1488 -- should be 1500.  You may have serious connection problems.
Feb 28 21:32:54 (none) daemon.warn pppd[13428]: Timeout waiting for PADS packets
Feb 28 21:32:54 (none) daemon.err pppd[13428]: Unable to complete PPPoE Discovery
Feb 28 21:32:39 (none) daemon.err pppd[13428]: Interface eth0.1 has MTU of 1488 -- should be 1500.  You may have serious connection problems.
Feb 28 21:32:36 (none) daemon.notice pppd[15921]: secondary DNS address
Feb 28 21:32:36 (none) daemon.notice pppd[15921]: remote IP address
Feb 28 21:32:36 (none) daemon.notice pppd[15921]: primary   DNS address
Feb 28 21:32:36 (none) daemon.notice pppd[15921]: peer from calling number 00:30:88:01:D9:A8 authorized
Feb 28 21:32:36 (none) daemon.notice pppd[15921]: local  IP address
Feb 28 21:32:36 (none) daemon.notice pppd[15921]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Feb 28 21:32:36 (none) pppd[15921]: CHAP authentication succeeded: CHAP authentication success, unit 12598

and the wan config

#### WAN configuration
config interface        wan
        option ifname   "eth0.1"
        option proto    'pppoe'
        option username 'elvis'
        option password 'lives ;)'
        option keepalive        '5'
        option defaultroute     '1'
        option ppp_redial       'persist'
        option type     ''
        option mtu      '1500'

AFAIK, the MTU is just tu size of packets before their fragmentation so in any case, this shouldn't be a reason for an unstable connection.

Are there any parameters that openwrt should set for the pppoe but it's not ?

Thanks for your help,

Regards Tex.

(Last edited by Tex-Twil on 29 Feb 2008, 08:47)

Hi again,
some more information about this topic. I changed tha cables of my modem and the connection is more stable but I still have some random disconnects. I guess this has nothing to do with OpenWrt.

I'll let you know if I find something.

The discussion might have continued from here.