OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: OpenWRT Router with USB2 and Voip

The content of this topic has been archived on 11 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I am looking for an appropriate wlan router, which should have the following abilities:
I am sharing a fast Internet connection with my neighbor over wlan, whereas my Computer is the client.
Now I want to add this new router, configured as wlan-client, to be able to connect more computers/devices
to the Internet on my side. So, the router must be configurable as wlan client. As I have read so far, OpenWRT does
support this configuration.
I also would like to do voip over the network. So far I only have a analog telephone
(well, exactly is it a analog DECT station with 4 phones).
So it would be good if the router also had at least 1 analog telephone connector.
I also read that it is possible to install asterist on OpenWRT. But as I understand it,
this is only the software part - the router still would need analog telephone connector

I also would find it quite useful if the device had a USB (2) connector.

I really appreciate if some one can give me some advice.

fuji0000 wrote:

VoIP has become popular largely

VoIP sucks because the quality is not good. I do prefer the PSTN. I know that most Telecoms use VoIP or something similar in their network. But that's not my part.

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fuji0000 wrote:

    voip has become popular largely

VoIP sucks because the quality is not good. I do prefer the PSTN. I know that most Telecoms use VoIP or something similar in their network. But that's not my part.

If your voip quality isn't good, it is likely due to a bandwidth capacity issue and I don't htink most telecoms use voip--they offer landline service although now most telecoms offer voip as well.  But they key to having good quality on your voip calls is having sufficient bandwidth so you might want to upgrade with your isp company.  Good luck, Yan

The discussion might have continued from here.