OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: ARM7 Processor!!!

The content of this topic has been archived on 24 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

hi, i have jst recieved a dlink 614+ airbus router from a freind, and i wanted to extend my existing wireless network with it. i have done this before using the "reapeater" mode in DD-WRT, but it seems to be more difficult with this router.  researching this, i am pretty sure that a need to flash this router with Kamikaze, but i am having trouble finding the right version to do this. there seemsto be alot of controversy over the arm7 processor it has, is there even a version of kamikaze that is compatible with this, or do i need to modify a image ofan existing one?
note:the router is the first version with 2 antennas
-srry i do not know that much about open-wrt or kamikaze, and it all seems very daunting right now

OpenWRT supports ARM. My router is also ARM-based - more specifically, XScale.

yes, but i have no idea what version of kamikaze i need

The discussion might have continued from here.