OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: iwpriv ath0 mode 2 = not possible! what gives?

The content of this topic has been archived on 15 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

have a look at this:

root@OpenWrt:~# iwpriv ath1 mode 11g
root@OpemWrt:~# iwpriv ath1 mode 11b
Interface doesn't accept private ioctl...
mode (8BE2): Invalid argument

my setup:
base-files-adm5120 - 12-r10522
kmod-madwifi -

what gives??

that's the problem - at first I tried that and got nothing (iwconfig after it boots still shows 11g), that's why I tried with iwpriv and still nothing. :-/

After changing /etc/config/wireless reread the wireless config with the 'wifi' command or reboot the router.

yes yes, I know. as I said, "iwconfig after it boots still shows 11g"

any ideas guys?
also I've noticed that if I first create one ahdemo interface and then a VAP and a STA then I can do iwpriv athX mode 2
I need 11b for one broadcom STA some 500m away to be able to connect, if I'm on default mode (11g) it cannot connect at all (-72, strange??)

The discussion might have continued from here.