OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: WRTSL54GS Device full, will not boot OpenWRT

The content of this topic has been archived on 9 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Well I think I finally went and bricked my router. I had an older version of White Russian RC6 running my router that I had installed about 2 years back that I haven't been really good about keeping updated. But it's been working well for the better part of 2 years. For no real reason the other night I decided I would rather arbitrarily run an ipkg upgrade. Well needless to say damn near everything on the device was out of date and I ended up filling the whole filesystem with packages. Everything seemed to continue running normally so I decided I would deal with it the next day. I guess sometime in the am the router stopped taking my girlfriends WPA key and she went to power cycle the router like she normally would to fix general network wonkiness (I was sort of hoping updating the WPA packages would solve that issue). Unfortunately now the device doesn't seem to want to boot back up. When I reboot the router the LED for the "Easy Setup" just stays lit up. Previously I had thought this was the bootloader loading but upon re reading to docs apparently I should be looking for the DMZ light. However I have not been able to reach the device on the network in any way sad

Is my router bricked? I would imagine there has to be some kinda of way to access a console or something like that? Will filling the file system really brick the router?

(Last edited by darthbator on 9 Mar 2008, 11:18)

Search on the wiki for troubleshooting. There is a section on how to get into failsafe mode. Try that.

I tried to put it into failsafe mode however the DMZ light on my router never flashes. From what I understand this means openWRT is not loading. According to the documentation about Linksys models if you hold down the reset button while in the boot loader you stand a good chance of bricking your router. When I turn on my router the power button starts to flash and then the button on the front of the router labeled "Secure Easy Setup" starts glowing yellow. It stays in this state with the power button flashing and the "easy setup" light a blazing. I'm not quite sure what this means.But I'm pretty sure that it's getting stuck in the boot loader and is unable to load openWRT sad

Maybe the ses button is being switched on instead of dmz? Anyway, did you run netcat and look for the failsafe message?

The discussion might have continued from here.