OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: writing to /tmp

The content of this topic has been archived on 14 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


We can write as many times as we want in /tmp.

I read that it's a volatile location, but I don't know of the number of writing is limited like the other partition of linksys WRT54GS.

PS: Because I'd like to use a script to update my ip public with dyndns, and run it every 5-10 mns for example.

Thanks :-)

Hello Thierry,

           So can write as many times you want you will not rub it down  :-) (at least I had not heard that  anyone  has been able to do it ;-) )
The /tmp filesystem is stored in your RAM (tmpfs filesystem - something like ramdisk) and so it is not preserved after reboot.



Thanks smile

The discussion might have continued from here.