To install batman on a wrt54gl running kamikaze I
1. installed kamikaze
2. telnet root@
3. passwd
4. ssh root@
5. turned on nvram
nvram set boot_wait=on
nvram commit
6. ipkg update
7. ipkg install batman
8. ipkg install webif-batman
9. ifconfig br-lan up; batmand br-lan
10. batmand eth1:0
11. turn on wireless, channel 1, ad-hoc
12. mesh > batman> set primary device br-lan
13. default route 3
Result. I did this on 3 machines. I could see them pop up in kismet but they still replied "No batman nodes in range"
I am unsure about:
primary device
wireless options: client / ad-hoc / ap ? channel ? (auto returns an "error -1")
other choices I need to make