OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Batman How-To

The content of this topic has been archived on 19 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

To install batman on a wrt54gl running kamikaze I

1. installed kamikaze

2. telnet root@
3. passwd

4. ssh root@
5. turned on nvram
    nvram set boot_wait=on
    nvram commit
6. ipkg update
7. ipkg install batman
8. ipkg install webif-batman
9. ifconfig br-lan up;  batmand br-lan
10. batmand eth1:0

11.  turn on wireless, channel 1, ad-hoc
12.  mesh > batman> set primary device br-lan
13.   default route 3

Result.  I did this on 3 machines. I could see them pop up in kismet but they still replied "No batman nodes in range"
I am unsure about:
primary device
wireless options: client / ad-hoc / ap ?  channel ? (auto returns an "error -1")
other choices I need to make


in order to communicate all routers must use the same channel, essid and bssid.

have you got the solution to this? I was going to give it a try, I would like to know if there's any available tutorial on how to install and use it.

The discussion might have continued from here.